Open Pricer Smart Contract
Maximize customers' lifetime value.

Smart Contract

Smart Contract


Smart Contract enables your sales teams to systematically track the performance of customer contracts/agreements, identify opportunities & risks and implement relevant actions to retain your customers and improve their margin contribution. Smart Contract continuously processes your transaction data and produces recommendations so that you can make the right decisions and act at the right time. See Smart Contract in Action :

Stop Profit Leakage

Identify loss-making contracts or products/type of transactions that do not generate the expected margin. Find with one-click the price levels that guarantee a fair profitability. Systematically compare the current transactions with the expected profile defined in the quote/contrat. Prepare contract review meetings with reports of gaps by product and type of transaction with revenue and profit impact.

Identify business development opportunities

Compare the transaction profile of your contracts with comparable contracts (peers), their historical profile or expected profile defined at quote/contract time. Identify products and type of transactions with missing/low revenue. Validate opportunities during contract review meetings or automatically define targeted promotional offers.

Identify business development opportunities with smart contract : by destination flows, missing flows, no flows, by products profile, customer, peers, shipments, domestic air, domestic road, intermodal air, intermodal road

Retain your valued customers

Compare the prices of contracts and their activity trend with similar contracts (peers). Identify contracts with a potential risk of attrition and define incentives (service upgrade, targeted promotions or rate migration) to retain the customer.

Smart contracts helps your sales executives to Retain your valued customers. Visualise customer segments' shipments distribution with total weights to spot attrition and churn.

Get 360° visibility on customer contract

Thanks to Contract Dashboard and notifications, sales teams have a 360° view on customer performance. Management gets an aggregated view by customer segments (tier, industry, geography, etc.) and by sales team.

Get 360° visibility on customer contract performance with Smart contracts. Get an overview of revenue by segment, parcel volumes, gross margin, average net price, gross margin %


Smart Contract is available in different configurations depending on the activated components. Some features require the implementation of other modules or components.

Core Features


Implementation and Integration


Smart Contract is proposed in different configurations depending on the activated components. Some features require the implementation of other modules or components.

Core Features


Implementation and Integration