OP Smart Price is a set of Machine Learning (ML) components that predict customers’ willingness to pay and optimize prices based on the analysis of transactions, quote outcomes (win/loss) combined with market research and competitive price intelligence. With OP Smart Price you can easily update your existing pricing models or define new models and simulate their impact before implementation.

Predict customers’ willingness to pay for your products

Do not leave value on the table and do not loose sales because you under-estimate or over-estimate willingness to pay (WTP). Use your data to predict WTP and combine these insights with the results of market research and competitive intelligence.

Continuously adjust your price policy to market context

Analyse transactions to understand at what prices customers buy your products/services and the outcome of quotes to identify at what prices their willingness to pay decreases. Adjust your list prices and your discount & markup policy accordingly.

Find the right price plan for every contract

Find, for each contract, the price plan that maximizes the expected margin taking into account customer’s willingness to pay, the costs generated by the contract and your strategic goals (minimum win/retention probability and/or minimum margin)


Smart Price includes a set of components that you can use separately or in combination. Each component requires to activate specific data sources.

Implementation and Integration


Smart Price includes a set of components that you can use separately or in combination. Each component requires to activate specific data sources.

Core Features

Implementation and Integration