Tender Manager

The Power of Smart Quote for Complex Tenders.

Tender Manager


  1. Create a Tender: Upload lines requested by customer in Tender Form and display an overview by Origin & Destination, type of product (FTL, LTL) etc.
  2. Enrich Tender: Match corresponding existing business in order to define Defensive BUs and Agencies, estimate market price (from similar customers) and retrieve distances.
  3. Distribute Tender: Share Tender with business units (countries and agencies using a Workflow).
  4. Quote Tender: Bidders quote lines of interest to BUs using decision support (cost calculation and market price).
  5. Arbitrate Tender: Automatically select (first BU and then at Central level) the best quote for each line and check in priority quotes with warnings. Distribute response to customer.
  6. Rounds Management: Upload customer feedback and start a new round without losing round 1 data.
  7. Analyze Performance: Monitor KPIs and display Tender fact sheet in the CRM.
    Compliance analysis: comparison between awarded flows and actual shipments.
  8. Archive Tender: Keep full history of Tenders. Database of (requested but not awarded flows) could be used to identify potential targets for lines/periods eligible to promotions.

Streamline your tender process

Tenders bids require complex offers to be assembled in a very short time. By automating this process, Tender Manager boosts productivity, helps to take informed and traceable decisions, while minimizing errors. Time is saved for the higher value added tasks, increasing success rate.

Capture maximum value and ensure profitability

Tender Manager leverages the power of Smart Quote to optimize prices and ensure profitability.

Multiple business units, one tool

Quotes can be assembled in one offer from multiple business units having their own price policy. Two stages process can be configured to let the quotes be assembled first by a business unit, before tender project manager aggregates selected quotes into one offer.


Tender Manager unique features may be completed with add-ons from the Smart Quote module

Core Features


Implementation and Integration


Tender Manager unique features may be completed with add-ons from the Smart Quote module.

Core Features


Implementation and Integration