Open Pricer has conducted a study to assess the maturity of transportation companies in terms of Pricing in partnership with ESSCA (Graduate Business School) / University of Angers, specialized in Pricing, and the Professional Pricing Society (PPS), the leading global organization for Pricing professionals.
This very unique study provides countless insights on the transportation industry best pricing practices.
It relates the testimonials and answers of more than 50 key people among 36 companies (express, courier, cargo) working in pricing, sales, marketing or management and sharing their point of view on the pricing maturity of their transportation company.
Congratulations to Mikael, the lucky respondents who has won an iPad Mini
If most respondents estimate that their company is quite effective in terms of pricing, an in depth analysis shows there is a variety of approaches, organizations and tools.
These differences can partially be explained by the diversity of activities covered by goods transportation, from the integrator focusing on groupage to the carrier offering custom-based solutions.
But beyond these structural differences, the most advanced companies in terms of pricing are characterized by:
- An organization placing Pricing at the heart of responsibilities.
- A dynamic management of required data, including price grids, based on powerful systems and structured databases.
- Documented processes, including quotation, offering the best balance between simplicity for most cases and precision for demanding cases.
- The importance given to price and value markup against competitors, at least as important as the importance given to margin.
- The ability to constantly improve business processes in order to keep one step ahead of competitors.